Curriculum Vitae
From change to successful to products
As independent Consultant, Trainer, Coach,
Herbert Weinreich is working in all phases of the innovation chain
After studying business engineering (a program with distinct inter-disciplinary nature, containing business administration, management, law and engineering) at TU Darmstadt, his first position was Innovation-Consultant at the Innovation and Creativity Department of Battelle Institute, Frankfurt.
Convinced by the success of interdisciplinary project work, he developed a professional training/coaching concept for successful facilitation of interdisciplinary research and development teams. This unique approach called
Professional Moderation of Meetings and Workshops prepared facilitators, coordinators and leaders with necessary skills to handle both, subject specific challenges and social emotional conflicts successfully. It had been tested as sustainably effective under conditions of real projects at the department of Battelle Technology Management and is publicly offered as Mangement-Training by ZFU-AG, Switzerland.
At the Department of Marketing TU-Darmstadt (Prof. Dr. G. Specht), he was also promoting and developing computer-aided learning and simulation programs (Mac/Windows) in areas of market research, statistics and management psychology and promoted their use in lectures and exercises.
Through an international stay at Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China, he supported the introduction and design configuration of business engineering with lectures and exercises in subjects of market-oriented business management.
Further studies, including executive management at MIT in Boston, as well as creativity and problem solving methods at CEF in Buffalo, led to the deepening of an intercultural approach to global project work.
BASF SE, Robert Bosch GmbH, BMW AG, Apple Deutschland GmbH, and ZFU-AG have made extensive assignments to the application of the moderation concept at various levels and situations of the companies. The requirements of BASF SE, BMW AG, Beiersdorf AG and Infineon AG led to a management concept for global, team-oriented project management. A customer service for Telekom AG on behalf of Apple Computer inspired to the cultural integration and further development of the design thinking principles of IDEO.
Over more than 20 years, company, branch and cross-cultural leadership, moderation, project and innovation experience and competence could be gained!
In particular, projects such as the development, implementation and the training of R&D project management for BASF SE, the creative revision of power tools of a European provider, as well as other comprehensive consulting, training and coaching projects for companies in the automotive supplier-, heating-, semiconductor-, information processing-, consulting-, agricultural engineering-, do it yourself-, chemical-, pharmaceutical- and biotechnology sectors shaped the current approach of his agile innovation and project management in product development!
In a nutshell, the development concept today is: Value creation from
change through situational development in 6 dimensions, Six4you!
The uniqueness of this approach is to carry out successful innovation and change leaps in a very short period of time through intensive team work, project work, innovation labs and networks and establish them sustainably.
Team-Innovation became his trademark.